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Don’t Miss Out: How to Make a PPI Refund Claim Even After the Deadline

Are you one of the millions who missed out on claiming a PPI refund before the deadline? Don’t worry, because we’ve got great news for you! In this blog post, we’ll reveal a game-changing loophole that allows you to make a PPI refund claim even after the deadline has passed. So grab your pen and paper, as we guide you through this step-by-step process that could potentially help you secure the reimbursement you deserve. Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity – keep reading to discover how to turn back time and reclaim what’s rightfully yours!

Introduction to PPI Refunds and the Deadline

Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) has been a hot topic in the financial world for several years now. It was sold alongside loans, mortgages, credit cards, and other financial products as a way to protect borrowers in case they were unable to make repayments due to illness, redundancy or other unforeseen circumstances. However, it soon became apparent that PPI was being mis-sold by banks and lenders, resulting in millions of people paying for insurance that they did not need or want.

As a result of this mis-selling scandal, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) set a deadline for individuals to make PPI refund claims by August 29th, 2019. This deadline was put in place to encourage individuals who may have been affected by the mis-selling of PPI to take action and make their claims before it was too late.

However, many people are still unaware of this deadline or have missed it completely. If you fall into this category, don’t worry – there is still hope. In this section, we will discuss what exactly PPI refunds are and the implications of missing the deadline.

What are PPI Refunds?

In simple terms, a PPI refund is money that may be owed back to you if you were mis-sold Payment Protection Insurance. This could be because you were not made aware that you had purchased PPI or because your lender pressured you into buying it without explaining its terms and conditions.

The amount of money that you are entitled to will depend on how much you paid for PPI and for how long. In some cases, individuals have received thousands of pounds in refunds. It is worth noting that not everyone who has PPI will be entitled to a refund. If you were sold PPI and it was suitable for your circumstances, then you may not be eligible for a refund.

What Happens if You Miss the Deadline?

If you miss the August 29th, 2019 deadline, you will no longer be able to make a claim for a PPI refund from your lender or through the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). This means that you will not receive any compensation for any mis-sold PPI policies that you may have had.

There are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if you were not aware of the deadline due to exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness or bereavement), then you may still be able to make a claim after the deadline has passed. However, these cases will be reviewed on an individual basis, and there is no guarantee that your claim will be accepted.

It is also worth noting that even if you do manage to make a claim after the deadline has passed, it is likely that the process will take longer, and you may receive a lower refund amount than if you had made your claim before the deadline.

What Should You Do Now?

If you have not yet made a claim for a PPI refund, it is essential to act quickly. The first step is to check whether you have ever had PPI. You can do this by checking your loan or credit card statements, or by contacting your lender directly.

If you believe that you were mis-sold PPI, you should make a complaint to your lender as soon as possible. They will then review your case and let you know whether they agree that the policy was mis-sold. If they do agree, they will offer you a refund of the premiums that you paid plus any interest. If they do not agree, or if they do not respond within eight weeks, then you can escalate your complaint to the FOS.

If you think that you may be entitled to a PPI refund, it is crucial to make your claim before the August 29th, 2019 deadline. Don’t miss out on potential compensation – act now!

Understanding the PPI Deadline Extension

The Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) deadline, initially set for August 2019, has recently been extended to June 2022. This means that individuals who may have missed the previous deadline now have an additional three years to make a claim for mis-sold PPI.

But what exactly does this deadline extension mean and how can you take advantage of it? In this section, we will dive into the details of understanding the PPI deadline extension.

What is the PPI Deadline?

The PPI deadline refers to the cut-off date set by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for consumers to submit a complaint regarding their mis-sold PPI. The original deadline was set for August 29th, 2019, but due to the overwhelming number of claims being made, it was extended to June 29th, 2019.

This means that any complaints received after this date would not be considered or processed by banks and other financial institutions. However, with the recent extension, consumers now have until June 29th, 2022 to submit their claims.

Why Was It Extended?

The decision to extend the PPI deadline was made due to a significant increase in claims being made in the final months leading up to August 2019. Banks were struggling with handling such a large volume of complaints which resulted in many cases being delayed or not fully processed before the initial deadline.

Additionally, there are still millions of potential customers who may have been mis-sold PPI but have not yet made a claim. The FCA wanted to ensure that these individuals also had the opportunity to make a complaint and potentially receive compensation.

Who Can Make a Claim?

Anyone who has taken out a PPI policy alongside a loan, credit card, mortgage or other forms of credit may be eligible to make a claim for mis-sold PPI. This includes policies taken out in the past, as long as they were active on or after January 14th, 2005.

It is important to note that even if you have already made a successful claim for mis-sold PPI in the past, you may still be able to make another claim if you believe you were unfairly compensated or not fully compensated for your losses.

How Can I Make a Claim?

If you believe you were mis-sold PPI, the first step is to contact the financial institution responsible for your policy and submit a complaint. You can do this by filling out an online form on their website, calling their customer service line, or sending them a letter outlining your concerns.

If the bank rejects your complaint or does not respond within eight weeks, you can escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). They will review your case and make a final decision on whether you are entitled to compensation.

What Happens After the Deadline?

After the new deadline of June 29th, 2022, no new claims for mis-sold PPI will be accepted. This means that if you do not submit your complaint by this date, you will not be able to make a claim in the future.

It is important to take advantage of this extended deadline and submit your complaint as soon as possible to ensure you have the best chance of receiving compensation. 

Who is Eligible for a PPI Refund After the Deadline?

The deadline for making a PPI refund claim has passed, but that doesn’t mean you have missed out on your chance to receive compensation for mis-sold PPI. In fact, there are still certain circumstances in which you may be eligible for a PPI refund even after the deadline has ended.

First and foremost, if you were not aware that you had PPI or were mis-sold it by your bank or lender, then you may still have a valid claim. This is known as “exceptional circumstances” and includes situations such as being sold PPI without your knowledge, being told it was mandatory for obtaining a loan or credit card, or having pre-existing medical conditions that made the policy unsuitable for you.

Additionally, if you were previously rejected for a PPI refund before the deadline due to lack of evidence or other reasons, you can now resubmit your claim with new evidence and potentially receive compensation. This is because the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has instructed banks and lenders to review all previous rejections and reassess them under new guidelines.

Furthermore, there are certain groups of people who may have been unfairly excluded from making a claim before the deadline but are now eligible. For example, if you were self-employed or retired when you took out the credit agreement with PPI attached, you may have been deemed ineligible to make a claim. However, this requirement has since been removed by the FCA and these individuals can now submit a claim.

It’s also worth noting that the deadline only applies to PPI policies sold after 2005. If you had PPI before this date, you may still be able to make a claim as the FCA has not set a deadline for these policies.

In any of these situations, it is important to seek advice from a reputable claims management company or financial advisor who can assess your individual case and help you determine if you are eligible for a PPI refund after the deadline. They can also assist you with submitting a claim and navigating the process.

How to Make a PPI Refund Claim After the Deadline

After the August 2019 deadline, many people may believe that they have missed their chance to make a PPI refund claim. However, this is not necessarily true. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has put in place a process for consumers to still make a claim after the deadline has passed.

Here are the steps you can take to make a PPI refund claim after the deadline:

  1. Check if you were mis-sold PPI: The first step is to determine if you were mis-sold PPI on any of your credit agreements. This could include loans, credit cards, mortgages, or even store cards. If you are unsure whether or not you had PPI, you can request this information from your lenders.
  2. Gather evidence: Once you have identified that you were sold PPI, it is essential to gather all the necessary evidence to support your claim. This could include copies of loan agreements and statements showing payments made towards PPI.
  3. Contact your lender: The next step is to contact your lender and inform them that you want to make a PPI refund claim after the deadline has passed. You can do this by phone or in writing; however, it is recommended to have written proof of your communication with them.
  4. Submit a complaint: Your lender may ask you to submit a formal complaint outlining why you believe you were mis-sold PPI and providing any relevant evidence. They may also provide you with specific forms or documents that need to be filled out.
  5. Wait for a response: Once your lender has received your complaint, they will have eight weeks to respond to you. If they uphold your claim and agree to refund you, this will be paid directly to you. If they reject your claim, or if you are not satisfied with the response, you can escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
  6. Contact the FOS: The FOS is an independent body that helps consumers resolve disputes with financial institutions. You can contact them and explain your situation, providing any relevant evidence to support your claim. They may be able to assist in reaching a resolution with your lender.

It is important to note that the FCA has set a time limit of two years from when a consumer receives a final decision from their lender or the FOS for them to make their PPI refund claim after the deadline has passed.

Overall, it is still possible to make a PPI refund claim after the deadline has passed. However, it is essential to act promptly and ensure that you have all the necessary evidence and documentation to support your claim. 


While the PPI deadline may have passed, it’s not too late to make a claim for a refund. By following these steps and taking action now, you could potentially receive thousands of pounds in compensation. Don’t let missed deadlines hold you back from getting what you rightfully deserve. Take control of your financial situation and start the process today. Remember, there is no harm in trying and every chance at success is worth pursuing. Don’t miss out on making a PPI refund claim – act now and get the money that is rightfully yours!

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